Ready for the future

Smart Cities & IoT

Toekomstgerichte keuzes

With the latest technologies we create cities in which we can live comfortably and safely. Smart Cities in which we have acces to the required information at the right time. How these technological developments will evolve, we decide toegether.

In the future you also want to be able to go in all directions when it comes to Smart City applications. That is why it is important to now choose a management and control platform that does not commit you to any prescribed supplier.

Luminizer is an independent platform. The smart software can be connected to all types and brands of sensors, IT systems and luminaires. Now and in the future. Luminizer is not only the best choice to control outdoor lighting. It can also manage other objects in the public area.

Large-scale application

Luminext’s robust smart lighting systems are suitable for large-scale application in cities and rural areas. Especially with a complete dynamic network you can benefit from all sustainable benefits, such as cost savings through automatic fault detection and energy savings and less light pollution by dimming the lighting.

Luminext smart lighting is being further developed further so that it meets the demands of our customers and remains suitable for the applications of tomorrow.

Van gedachten wisselen over Smart Cities?


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Robert Tissing
Robert Tissing

Algemeen Directeur